The List EVERY Artist Should Do!

This is a list of tips for every artist should follow.

1) Don’t compare your work to others. Compare old work to new work.

2) You don’t have to go to art school, but doing so can get you there faster.

3) Someone somewhere will love what you do (and pay for it) find them.

4) Really good work takes a long time. Be patient with yourself.

5) Create every day. Even if it’s garbage. You can’t improve on a blank canvas.

— found list on Pinterest

Every artist once began as an amateur – Ralph Waldo Emerson

If your are an aspiring artist who is trying to become know for your art, it takes times! Your success as an artist will NOT come overnight. Keep creating and get your work out in the world. Be proud of your work! One of the best things I did for my art was creating social media profiles for it. Seeing positive feedback helps motivate you. I started my brand in May 2016 and I’m just starting to get a decent following. Getting these loyal followers will take time and patience.

– Abby(Purelifephotoss)

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Abby =^*^=
Abby =^*^=
Articles: 6